Saturday, September 11, 2010

Olgas 97th

Nothing about Cambrian today ....just my mothers 97th birthday and some photos of ALL the simblings together ,the last time was 7 yrs ago .Mum is in a nice home in Waihi ,just sth of Auckland ,so Margaret found us a crib at Whiratoa beach and we all gathered for the w/e bringing mom out each day .She is as well as can be expected for someone of her age who never ate her vegetables !!!she is quite fragile but still enjoyed a joke or two as long as it was delivered slowly .Present also was Mary Christianson who was the flower girl at her wedding and just lives close by,the wedding was in Waihi ! so you could say that life is just one great big revolving wheel.Grahams daughter Carla was across from Aussie with her boyfriend ,so she came as well .We all had a most enjoyable time ,lots to eat and lots to drink and even more to think about ,nothing like a good dose of nostalgia every so often !!! remember what you do today will be the quality of your memories in the future .

1 comment:

  1. I thought that these machines were meant to print what you told them !!firstly I wouldn't have spelt siblings like THAT ! and it right stuffed up our numerical order ,it should be :
    Gordon,Rae,Jack ,Robert [Bob] Margaret and then Graham .
