Saturday, July 7, 2012

Test run 2

Blogger has changed its format and I'm not sure that my machine ,or myself,can keep up ,but knowing that we are all creatures of habit ,I am loath to change it .However I am experimenting with Tumblr to see if it is more user friendly . What would be handy is a little feedback ,either through e-mail or facebook ,I haven't worked out if Tumblr has a comment facility .  I like the IDEA of the blog, and know that quite a few of you look at it occasionally but it would be good to see how many did ,to keep up my enthusiasm .
           So I'm going to post this one ,with photos,and then do exactly the same on Tumblr,this is the tumblr address ......... you like it just copy it on to your "favourites"
and let me know  [please].   Very cold here at the moment ,as the photos show ,but not uncomfortable .This big pond is just up the road .Hope that you are all well and happy ...cheers  Bob ....xx


  1. Come on ,just a little anonymous comment with your name on it !!

  2. Hi Bob,
    I follow your blog because I love seeing the photos of NZ scenery that you post. I heard about it from Llewe. Thanks for all the lovely photos, and I hope you keep it up :)

  3. I second Leah's comment, and really appreciate sharing your lovely Cambrians through the blog. Thank you!
