Saturday, October 6, 2012

WARNING : Baby photos following !

Sorry folks but it was Eulalia Bellbird Berrys first visit to Cambrian so I felt that it called for a photo opportunity ,after all what is Cambrian for if it's not for the next generations !!!

   On a completely different note ...If you are even the slightest bit interested in China ,and you ought to be a LOT,then I can't recommend this book enough ..."When a Billion Chinese Jump" by Jonathon White ,it's quite big ,but very readable ,and although it's China the lessons apply equally to all of us ,check it out, it's only 2yrs old . ...happy spring ...


  1. Glad she does not look like her Grandpa,
    so there is hope for Cambrian to be a civilized part of the world again. ;-)

  2. Such cheek ,it must come from my OLD friend Vaughan !!!
