Saturday, August 7, 2010

"The sting in the tail"

Yesterday morning I officially declared it spring,there was no frost ,by two in the afternoon it was snowing ,so much for MY weather forecasting !! But we have had a good week ,a few bonfires burnt ,a couple of school projects completed and lots of pleasant discussions .I have Ricky Toogood staying with me at the moment from Sth West Devon ,but he's been in the country so long that he may as well be a KIWI .All the ice has gone now and my three Khaki Campbell drakes have taken over the pond ,much to the anoyance of the Paradise Ducks .Lots of snowdrops are out in the woods and I've even seen a couple of grey herons fly over ,so spring MUST be quite close .
The picnic table and the fireplace are obviously in the old school ,and the red hat is self made on Rickys head . All the best to everyone .......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob
    This post remided me of this poem by Ted Hughes, but the wrong season!


    There came a day that caught the summer
    Wrung its neck
    Plucked it
    And ate it.

    Now what shall I do with the trees ?
    The day said, the day said.
    Strip them bare, strip them bare.
    Let's see what is really there.

    And what shall I do with the sun ?
    The day said, the day said,
    Roll him away till he's cold and small.
    He'll come back rested if he comes back at all.

    And what shall I do with the birds ?
    The day said, the day said,
    The birds I've frightened, let them flit,
    I'll hang out the pork for the brave tomtit.

    And what shall I do with the seed ?
    The day said, the day said.
    Bury it deep, see what it's worth.
    See if it can stand the earth.

    What shall I do with the people ?
    The day said, the day said.
    Stuff them with apple and blackberry pie
    They'll love me then till the day they die.

    There came this day and he was autumn.
    His mouth was wide
    And red as a sunset.
    His tail was an icicle.

    Ted Hughes - Season Songs

    Hope spring comes soon - the nights are drawing in here in Exeter and are much chillier.

    All the best
