Monday, August 3, 2009

The top two photos are just a warm-up for things to come .The starling has started to make her nest in the letter-box and a couple of grey herons have returned to town ,so it must surely be spring !!
The late evening sun always gets to play on the Hawkdun mountains ,but only for about 5 minutes ! so you either have to be prepared or else sprint for your camera ,and each day it is dramatically different .
Imagine that you were in your supermarket and that customers were coming in at a greater rate than they were leaving ,and the" stackers"couldn't keep up ,I wonder what would result ? cheers


  1. That looks like one hell of a lot of snow !

  2. Just testing to see how easy it is to add a comment ,would love a little bit of feedback just to see that someone is out there !

  3. how about some new photos of the ice just getting to grips with this blogging thing see my sister has a photo already on it well done
