"evening" I'm still learning how to "drive" this Blog ,what fonts and what sizes to use,whether to use colour or not ,how to lay out the photos without putting one on top of the other ,but stick with me and I'll get better .
The basic purpose of this blog is to share my little slice of heaven/earth with more people and in more depth with the people who have already been here .Visitors come for a day and it's a bit like taking an instant photo of somewhere,for those who stay a week it's a small video clip ,but for us who live here, every day is a different painting and over the course of the year it's a great cinematic occasion[without the film stars ]The movie is split into four sessions,we call them seasons ,and each one is spectacular in it's own right .What I would like to do is share those seasons with those who can't be here ,but who may have been here before and contributed in any way to the well being of the place ,hence the "common"forest ,it really belongs to all of us ,and even though it is not very tall at the moment it soon will be .
Another purposeis to try to retain the joy that I get from meeting new people ,and instead of being just "Ships who pass in the night" we could be "ships who sail in tandem for some time" getting enjoyment and strength from being so close until the next storm blows us apart !!
This was not possible before ,but now with all these newfangled gadgets we can at least give it ago.So if you want to follow our progress ,feel free,and if you want to make any comments ,that would be even nicer .
For example today was a crappy day weatherwise ,mist and no sun ,but perfect for burning off last summers trimmings ,and even the fresh ones ,so my WWOOFer,Matt,and I got up there and had a right old burn-up. There are lots of wilding pines coming through,some of them of a good variety ,so it is a bit of a bonus to grow a forest when the trees plant themselves and all you have to do is thin them out !! It's all looking pretty good .
see you
PS.Top left photo is Matt putting a little water on the fire !
Top right ,is what happens when you pee in this temperature!
Bottom left are two keen guys having a burn-up
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