Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quiet Sunday in Cambrian

Can you think of anything quieter?? mind you there was a couple of minutes breeze this afternoon ,just enough to set the dragon flying .
Merry I am so rapt that you were the first person to log onto this blog ,because you have been our No.1 supporter over the years, both fisically and phynancially and without you our Giant sequoias wouldn't be a decade old [I'll try and find a photo].For the rest of you ,Merry came to Cambrian as a WWOOFer for the first time in '87
and returned about 12 yrs later [she'd forgotten how bad I was !] The second time she bought us 12 Sequoia Gigantums which we planted in a circle above the sheds and that's called "The Merry-go-round" and they are positively thriving ,some of them are over 5m tall now !
Woke this morning to a light dusting of snow ,no more than god could put through her kitchen sieve ,but it still looked very pretty .
Recently I watched the movie " Man on Wire", now there is a movie if you are after personal inspiration,the planning that they had to go through to pull it off was phenomenal,it rates right alongside "the fastest Indian " in terms of making you believe that anything is possible if you REALLY want it [but he ,the wire walker,wasn't very loyal to his girlfriend ,that dissappointed me ]. Whilst I'm on movies I should mention "The Road to Guantanamo"
lots of food for thought there ,three young English Pakistanis get caught up in the "wrong Place" and end up you know where ....Whew !
Right let's hope tomorrow is a more exciting day [growing trees is not exactly a spectator sport !!!]

Can't find a photo of the "Merry-go-round" I'll take one tomorrow ,instead here is an out of season shot of the wheat-field trees

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