Yea....success, lots of you got my letter last night and quite a number of you replied with positive words,thank you ,this is quite an incentive to give it my best
and I hope that I don't disappear [sorry ,disappoint !], remember that it is not meant to be too serious ,but to keep a little bridge between you,the forest and me
I'm not sure what will happen to all those without computers I hope that I can reach them through some other media. Having said that I must say that the biggest thrill of my day is getting actual "snail mail" in the letter box,nothing beats it ,today I got a food parcel from the "red Cross",and yesterday I got some beautiful photos from WWOOFers in Wyoming .Last week came a box of books from "Books in Homes" to help my reading skills !! I love them all.
Some will remember when we started clearing the blackberry from the front of the property ,by the sign, to make a little picnic area ,well this project is going famously ,at this moment I am clearing out the long grass to plant raspberries and black currants for the picnickers to graze on {photo} One young rooster has taken to coming inside for a feed ,so I am training it up for use as an alarm clock !! The third photo that I am putting on is of past WWOOFers, just for nostalgia sake ,and so that if they see it they will be able to see how much they have aged !! each night a different one .Watch out .
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