"Evening", amazing weather here today ,lots of hoar frost about and as I was doing my ODT delivery I ended up in someones spa pool ! and had to spend the next hour watching the mist swirl around the valleys and expose the mountain tops ,it was a visual symphony that my meagre vocab cannot do justice to ,I will try to photograph it tomorrow .Then later in the day we went across to Naseby to check out the new luge and on the way we ran into this mega-hoar,it was unbelievable [photo]yet a half a mile down the road there was absolutely nothing except sunshine ,not a skerrick of frost to be seen .The Luge was booked out for two weeks so that's a little thrill that will have to wait !!Also on the road were great flocks of yellow-hammers ,an unusual sight this time of year.To top it off it snowed lightly just before we got home .I wonder what beauty tomorrow will bring?
Please anyone let me know if this blog is getting through .cheers
Hi Bob, your blogs and photos are marvellous. You write really well - bravo! Alex and I, and our friends Richard and Liz Ebbett have fond memories of the time we spent with you at your cottage in Feb. of last year, probably the day after the long lunch at Lauderdale. You made us a lovely afternoon tea and showed us round your young forest. All best wishes, Julia and Alex Cowdell from Devonport, Auckland.